118 Banksia Terrace, Kensington WA 6151


About the property

Furnished as per photgraphs or unfurnished with rent subject to negotiation.

This is a delightful, modern, trendy home renovated to a high standard both in and out which is absolutely ideal for the city worker looking for a little oasis of quiet where relaxation and enjoyment are the watchwords. The neighbours are great and the location is spot on….close to parks and shops and all of the many other amenities of the area.

Separate main living room with feature fireplace
Modern kitchen with breakfast bar
Dining area
Rear sleep out
The two bedrooms with robes
Jarrah floors and high ceilings throughout the living areas
Covered car parking for several vehicles
Bathroom with shower and WC
Second WC and laundry
Expansive patio with table, chairs and bar b q
Huge garden with shed
Lawn mowing included

If you are looking for a rental in this area you will be hard pushed to find better.

Property Features

  • Air Conditioning
  • Outdoor Entertainment Area
  • Built-in Robes

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